2024 Capital Dues Increase - Online Brochure

Over the next five years, capital funds will be targeted for the following maintenance projects. Any project over $150,000 requires owner approval per our covenants.

Visit the Referendum Website on Member Central/Mobile App for the full presentation, videos and additional details. If you have any questions about the referendum, please contact us! Ray DiMuzio, President dimuzio85@roadrunner.com Roy Bowen, Vice-President roybowen75@gmail.com Doug Wetmore, Treasurer djwetmore@gmail.com Jenn Goodstein, Secretary jenngood.hhi@gmail.com Bob Curri bobby1one@aol.com Sharon Essler sh8449@gmail.com Randy Rose randalldrose@yahoo.com Steve Schuckenbrock Steve@Schuckenbrock.com Sandy West sandy@swest-lighthouse.com

CLUBHOUSE FF&E FF&E stands for Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment. Necessary refreshment of our social hub. Estimated $1.5M CART PATHS Necessary repairs on our golf cart paths. Estimated $1.2M PUMP STATION Required project to replace the heart of our golf course. Estimated $0.54M TEE BOXES Smoothing tee boxes to enhance your playability and golfing experience. Estimated $0.21M BRIDGES & BULKHEADS Safeguarding our infrastructure. Estimated $0.18M


Averages $1.4MM per year, spans 5 categories, totals $7.1MM and accounts for 39% of our 5 year maintenance costs. Examples of this may be golf cart leases, HVAC upgrades, tennis kiosks, golf maintenance equipment, etc. GOLF COURSE IRRIGATION Required project for continued turf health of our golf course. Estimated $3.2M


Enhancing safety and access. Estimated $2.8M (Potential special assessment for this project) LAGOON RESTORATION Preserving our natural surroundings. Estimated $1.5M

Owner capital dues will be used exclusively for existing asset maintenance. New amenities will need to be funded separately. All initiation fees collected will be added into the Special Reserve Capital Funds and are expected to be used for maintenance projects through 2026. To view additional details about these projects, funding philosophy and proposed timing, visit the referendum website.

Mario Campuzano, GM/COO mcampuzano@longcoveclub.com

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